Friday, May 18, 2012

Prek Loves The Fair!

What a beautiful day to go to a fair!  The children were excited about attending the 4th/5th grade fair  from the moment they arrived at school this morning !  The conversations ranged from plans they had about playing games at the fair to the types of face painting they were hoping to get.  The children welcomed Jane, one of the 5th grade teachers into our classroom as she 'sold' us the tickets for the fair.  They helped her count the tickets by 'tens' and enjoyed watching Alicia count the money.
The games, face painting , water ice , baked goods and especially the items sold at the 'junk table' were all so much fun to partake in!  The children loved the  feeling of  independence moving from one activity to another with friends and felt so 'grown -up' as they shared this experience with the older children in Lower School.

Building community , sharing our joys and celebrating Spring was a wonderful way to close our week. When we returned to our classroom to re-group before dismissal, Davey said. " This was the fastest day ever! This was the best day in the whole world!"  The overwhelming feelings of happiness and pleasure were shared by all as we gathered together for our daily, closing reflection circle.

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