Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Pop-Pop Mickey Visits PreK ...

Pop-Pop Mickey, Paula's Dad visited with our PreK class to share his love of art! When Pop-Pop Mickey retired from his work,  he explained to the children that he wanted to develop a hobby," a hobby is when you do something that makes you happy..." Pop-Pop Mickey explained.  Pop-Pop Mickey enrolled in a stone sculpting class at a local art center and that was beginning of his new hobby.

 Pop- Pop Mickey showed the children some of the tools he uses to sculpt.  He often looks at a new piece of marble or stone that he gets from the marble yard, and 'waits for the stone to talk to him.  The stone sometimes inspires me and helps me decide what I want to sculpt next."
   Pop-Pop draws the first design or shape on the stone in pencil when he has an idea of what he wants to sculpt.  The stone is very hard and he often uses electric tools to make large, deep cuts in the stone.

Pop-Pop brought pieces of stones for the children to explore.  The children used his tools and experienced what it feels like to work with this material of art.

We loved having Pop-Pop visit with us and thoroughly enjoyed sharing family together.

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