Monday, May 7, 2012

Artist At Work.... Continuing To Create Our Flowers

"Team work keeps it going. When you work together, everything  seems to go right (Miranda)

       "When you are doing team work, everything works out." ( Ella)

 We dedicated our Integration time today to our work on our paper mache flowers that we have been working on over the last several weeks.  We built the stems and used paper mache to create the structure several days ago, and we were now ready to apply the tissue paper to the outer shell to create the image of a stem. The children had enjoyed working on the first two stems in art class so much, that we decided to make three additional flowers in our classroom.  Working with our resource team to get to the next stage of this  very big project was extremely helpful and supportive.

The children love working in the Lower School art room and the spirit of collaboration and cooperation has been so amazing throughout this whole process.  As we have mentioned in earlier blogs, we  are working very hard to create a museum with all of the art work that we have created  in our classroom.   Our study of art , visiting art museums, reading books about artists and museums and creating our own art were all important pieces of how the inspiration evolved.  Over the next several weeks, we will be working to complete the projects we want to exhibit at our museum opening.


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