Friday, May 4, 2012

Hayden's Pop-Pop Visits PreK

Hayden was so excited to have her Pop-Pop visit with her friends and spend time in our her PreK classroom. One of Hayden's Pop-Pop's passions is motorcycles.

The children thoroughly enjoyed listening to the beautifully illustrated story Why Grampa Rides a Harley, by David Strange and Nancy Vogl.  "Where I'm going isn't nearly as important as enjoying the trip..kind of like how life is supposed to be." In this delightfully illustrated children's book a young boy visits his grandparents every summer and one day asks his grandpa why he loves his motorcycle so much. What transpires is a multitude of reasons that beautifully captures the freedom, spirit and heart and soul behind why riding a Harley is as inspirational as it is adventurous.   This book was a wonderful way for us to connect with Hayden and her family and learn more about each other.  Hayden's Dad also visited at this time and Hayden was so proud to share her family with her school friends.     
 We also looked at a very special 'coffee table' book of motorcycles and enjoyed seeing the special photographs.  Hayden's Pop-Pop gave the book Why Grampa Rides A Harley  as a gift to our class library and the children have enjoyed reading  the book throughout the week.   The children were also excited to receive a  really cool Harley Davidson sticker and a special snack as well!    We loved the visit and so appreciate the time and support of our program from our families .

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