Friday, May 18, 2012

Prek Loves The Fair!

What a beautiful day to go to a fair!  The children were excited about attending the 4th/5th grade fair  from the moment they arrived at school this morning !  The conversations ranged from plans they had about playing games at the fair to the types of face painting they were hoping to get.  The children welcomed Jane, one of the 5th grade teachers into our classroom as she 'sold' us the tickets for the fair.  They helped her count the tickets by 'tens' and enjoyed watching Alicia count the money.
The games, face painting , water ice , baked goods and especially the items sold at the 'junk table' were all so much fun to partake in!  The children loved the  feeling of  independence moving from one activity to another with friends and felt so 'grown -up' as they shared this experience with the older children in Lower School.

Building community , sharing our joys and celebrating Spring was a wonderful way to close our week. When we returned to our classroom to re-group before dismissal, Davey said. " This was the fastest day ever! This was the best day in the whole world!"  The overwhelming feelings of happiness and pleasure were shared by all as we gathered together for our daily, closing reflection circle.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Releasing our Butterflies and Ladybugs...


Our butterflies and ladybugs are  ready to be released !  The children are very excited and looking forward to releasing these beautiful little creatures back into nature.  During the week  the children took time to reflect on their wishes for the butterflies and ladybugs and drew pictures and wrote stories about their wishes.  We read, Butterfly House by Eve Bunting which was a beautiful story of  little girl who saves a tiny caterpillar, and helps her grandfather make a butterfly house to keep her safe.  They watch over the larva  as it transforms from caterpillar , to chrysalis to butterfly and to the  time of setting it free.

We shared in a very special experience together  as we opened the butterfly net and the ladybug home...

                         the children shared their hopes and dreams as the butterflies took flight.....

Monday, May 14, 2012

Rock Painting With Amy

Cara introduced Amy and her mom to her classmates and assisted as Amy shared her special gifts.

Cara's mom and friend Amy visited with our class to share a very special art project that incorporates art and nature.  Amy is an artist who loves to paint on rocks!  She is inspired by the beauty and magic of nature and spends lots of time outdoors connecting with nature.  Amy talked to our children about her painting style and described the techniques she uses to paint intricate pictures and designs on rocks.

 We learned that Amy paints directly onto the rocks and that most of her ideas come from an image she has in her mind.  She does not sketch her designs and drawings first, rather she paints 'free-hand'.  Amy goes to many different places to find rocks that she feels she wants to paint.


 The children had the opportunity to paint their own picture or design on rocks during Choice Time. Amy guided the art experience and the children enjoyed this new surface to paint on.

Cara loved sharing her family and friend with her PreK friends!