Friday, November 11, 2011

Our Visit With The Sunflowers

Our friends in the Sunflower class sent us an email and invited us to visit with them in their classroom! The children were excited to receive our first 'class email invitation' and enjoyed our discussions preparing for our visit to the Early Childhood building across campus. This would be the first time that we actually visited inside and played in the EC classrooms this school year, and for the children that were returning to their 'old' school, this time to re-connect was so special!

Needless to say, our walk across campus was breathtaking! The children immediately noticed and commented on the changing color of leaves, the amount of leaves that had fallen compared to our walk the day before and the overall joy of just being outdoors in nature was felt by all.

The Sunflowers enjoy singing and they invited us to sing with them. We gathered on the large meeting rug with our new friends and began with a greeting song , where we all re- introduced ourselves and the warm feelings of connecting with friends was apparent by the expressions on the children's faces.

We played on the playground together and the absolute joy that was felt is expressed so beautifully through our photos! The learning and growth that is experienced through peer learning and mixed age grouping is a gift that we feel so fortunate that we can provide for our children .

Enjoy the slideshow!

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