Monday, November 21, 2011

Mariana and Jack Visit PreK

Cristian's mother Mariana visited our class to talk to the children about her career. Mariana is a physical therapist and we learned many interesting facts about her work. "She helps people who lost their leg" ( Miranda), " She helps people learn to walk" ( Sania), She teaches people how to walk again if they get their leg taken off" ( Annabelle). Marian read a beautiful book titled We Go In A Circle by Peggy Perry Anderson which is a lovely, simple and sensitive story that reveals the interconnection between everyone involved in hippo therapy and the benefits they all share from the experience.

Marina had the children try a few different kinds of movement and exercises which helped us all relate to what is may feel like to have for example, one leg amputated. The children stood on one foot for 10 seconds...20 seconds... 30 seconds.....children closed their eyes and tried the same exercise.... they hopped on one foot and closed their eyes....

Mariana's patient Jack was kind enough to visit with our class and talk to us about his amputation and prostheses . The insight that the children were experiencing from this visit was quite remarkable and the level of sensitivity that was expressed through wonderful discussion was a model which we feel so grateful to have. Involvement with our families and communities in our learning about life has been a very powerful experience for all of us this year.

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