Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fire Fighters Jeter Visit Pre K

Marcellus' mom and dad are both fire fighters! They visited our classroom today to share their roles as community helpers and to teach the children about fire safety. The children were so fascinated with the presentation that Fire Fighter Robert Jeter and Fire Fighter Lisa Jeter shared with us. The fire fighter clothing was a high point of interest and the children learned that the bunker pants, bunker jacket, hood, mask, boots and gloves are all pieces of clothing that a fire fighter wears every time there is a fire to protect his/her body.

The whole experience was quite amazing for all of us! The children gained insight into the roles of a fire fighter and how they are such an important component to our community. The excitement of having real, live fire fighters in our very own PreK classroom was a a thrill for not only Marcellus, but for all of our PreK community. Robert and Lisa answered the many questions that the children had and their genuine love of the children was felt by all. We learned that Fire Fighter Robert needed to learn to read, do math, write, think, study and work hard to become a fire fighter. Lisa and Robert love helping people in our community and especially love visiting with Marcellus and all of his friends!

Enjoy our slide show.... we hope it captured the joy of the day with Fire Fighter Robert and Lisa Jeter!

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