Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Welcome Mr. Blueberry....

We would like to take this opportunity to introduce a new and beloved member to our PreK 2 community, Mr. Blueberry. This most precious, furry, lovable marionette was aimlessly wondering the halls looking for a new home. He peeked inside our classroom and fell instantly in love with our PreK children. The children asked if we would 'keep' him and the rest is history!

We voted on a name and the decision to call him Mr. Blueberry was established. The discussion surrounding his name reflected the maturing of social and cooperative skills which our children have shared throughout this year. Being able to come to a consensus in a PreK class is quite remarkable and truly reflected the growth our children have experienced. The children are having so much fun learning how to make him move and talk and we are really enjoying the feeling of having a new 'friend' in our classroom. The children love when he walks around our classroom and talks to them personally about things he has observed thus far. The beauty and the excitement that surrounds us as our imaginations come to life has brought much joy to our classroom.

The children love to show Mr. Blueberry their work and we are trying to involve him in the life of our PreK children in various ways. This morning Mr. Blueberry greeted the children after a long weekend and was invited to watch friends as they signed in at our Writing Center. It was just fascinating to observe the children as they interacted with Mr. Blueberry and how they worked more conscientiously in their writing as they 'tried to teach' Mr. Blueberry how to write. He does not know how to write letters yet and the children are feeling very proud to be able to teach him....

Please be sure to stop by and introduce yourself to our newest member of our PreK family!

Mr. Blueberry loves our cozy rest time.....

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