Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Creating Sculptures In Nature

The forecast for today was for a warmer day and we wanted to take advantage of the break in cold temperature and move our exploration of Andy Goldsworthy and nature back outdoors. Our Integration session came at a perfect time and we planned during our Integration planning time to bring the children outdoors and begin to explore and create sculptures in nature through the lens of Andy Goldsworthy. Having the support of additional resource teachers during this hour long scheduled period would be a true gift. The children would be grouped in small groups of three or four with a teacher in each group to guide and facilitate this work.

As we thought about this experience we questioned how we could best prepare the children for this next level of work? We had looked at Andy Goldsworthy work in photographs extensively as well as photographs of other artists who work with natural materials and outdoor installations. Having worked with natural materials on our screen mural the previous day, the children were becoming more aware and connected to natural materials and art. What we had not yet looked closely at was how Andy Goldsworthy actually creates and installs his art. We learned that his art is often temporary as it changes as temperatures and natural conditions change. What does that really look like ? What does it mean and feel like to work so hard on a project and return the next day to find that a rainstorm washed it away? How could we move the children towards a deeper connection with this work?

Before heading outside, we watched a few short clips on YouTube on Andy Goldsworthy and his work. This gave us all a fantastic visual and insight of the work of this incredible creator of art. We recognized his sensitive relationship and appreciation of nature. After watching him in action, we felt that his work was almost magical. ..

Here are a few of the clip we viewed for you to enjoy.



We went outside and without a skip, the children immediately immersed themselves in creating art through the eyes of Andy Goldsworthy using branches, mud, snow,leaves, twigs, acorns and rocks.. Observing the children as they connected in such a thoughtful way to nature was truly a joy to see.

The slide show captures the magic and beauty of this experience. Be sure to engage in conversation with your child about his/her feelings about the day and about their own creations.

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