Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Our Glorious Walk ....

The weather today was so beautiful and the invitation to be outdoors was calling for all PreK students and teachers! The last minute cancellation of our trip to see Hansel and Gretel left us with an open morning schedule and together we unanimously decided that a winter walk in Jenkintown would be a lovely way to share the morning together.

Before our walk, we had a really interesting conversation about art in nature. The previous day, Kailyn, Davida and Sylvia were working together in the playground creating a "nest " with wood chips, branches and seeds they found scattered throughout the playground. The children were very engaged in their work and excitedly wanted to show their teachers the nest they made with "stuff from the playground". " Will it be here after we go inside? What if it blows away?" were questions that were asked with heart felt emotion. Taking pictures of the nest was a comforting solution to this possible dilemma. Recognizing the deep connection the children were experiencing between nature and art, the thought of introducing the artist Andy Goldsworthy immediately came to mind to follow up with the following day.

A walk into Jenkintown on this glorious day was a perfect opportunity to explore the notion of art and nature. Before we left for our walk, we looked at the magnificent book Andy Goldsworthy A Collaboration With Nature. We focused on several of the incredible photographs of his work as an artist creating art with natural materials. We decided to keep the idea of art in nature on our minds as we walked through the beautiful community of Jenkintown. Of course we brought our camera to document our findings.
To end our winter walk, we stopped at a favorite community spot....Dunkin Donuts and enjoyed a sweet, delicious treat! Being together in a real cafe in Jekintown was so much fun! The children felt so grown -up and truly loved this experience!

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