Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January Winter Picnic

"We had a picnic today! Really! Really we did and we even ate real food", exclaimed Kailyn as she greeted her parents and sister at dismissal.

Our outdoor play time today was fantastic; the beautiful warm weather brought the feeling of spring and the children became fully engaged on this glorious day! Riding bikes, digging with shovels, climbing on the climber , swinging on the tire swing and building with the hollow blocks were a few of the activities that the children were involved with today. The energy and delight in this spring-like day was felt by all! The children were asked if they wanted to have a winter picnic and they unanimously started cheering and jumping up and down!

A few of the comments we overheard as the children enjoyed their 1st winter picnic were:
" This is the very best day ever!"
" This is so much fun! We don't even need to wear our coats!"
"Look what I'm doing- I am going to sit on my helmet to eat my lunch!"
"I love this. I want to be in PreK forever!"
"Let's do this everyday!"

The joy and pleasure that the children expressed during and after our spontaneous winter picnic was heartwarming to see.

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