Monday, October 31, 2011

PreK 2 Celebrates Community Helpers In Our School Halloween Parade

The children arrived at school very excited about participating in their first Lower School Halloween parade! The children confidently changed into their community helper clothing and they instantly became immersed in their role as a community helper! The children had used their props several times over the past few weeks so transforming into the helper they had been studying seemed so natural and easy!

The children loved seeing all of their friends in Lower School dressed up in costumes and thoroughly enjoyed the parade. After the parade, Margaret set up an art project where the children decorated picture frames. The children loved using the really fun stickers, markers and colored pencils to create their own special design for their frames. Thank you for bringing such a great project for the children to work on! We had a buffet snack and enjoyed the delicious foods, pretty paper goods and juice and had a fun time serving ourselves from the buffet table.

The children had the choice of staying in their dress-up community helper clothing all day if they wanted to. The play that emerged was so wonderful to observe. The children were role-playing the role of their community helper and it was apparent how much they have learned and identify with their helper. The collaborative work was also very noticeable; children shared their props and were eager to help each other.

Kathy's Kindergarden class invited us to tour their Haunted House! It was sooo much fun! A kindergarten partner guided each Prek friend and the shared experience was wonderful! The connections that the children establish with each are important components in developing meaningful relationships throughout the year. Children learning from children and the experiences that the children glean from the mixed age grouping is invaluable!

Enjoy our slideshow of Halloween 2011!

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