Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Checking out the LS Library!

This week, Paula and Alicia’s class visited the library and checked out books to take home for the first time! A visitor to the room wouldn’t have known it was their first time borrowing books. Everyone moved confidently around the library, speedily picking out interesting titles and asking for help in finding books on special subjects. In no time, students had stowed their books away in blue library bags and reassembled in the story time area to compare their findings and watch the library’s new pet fish.

Once everyone was finished, we had some time to share stories about some of Gwen’s favorite characters from the Roger Hargreaves Little Miss and Mr. Men books! Each of Hargreaves' characters is the personification of a particular trait, like neatness or noisiness, and each story features the silly adventures and misadventures of that character. Students particularly enjoyed the comic accidents of Mr. Bump and the mischievous exploits of Miss Naughty!

1 comment:

  1. The children were so excited to receive library bags!The sense of confidence they gleaned from the experience of 'borrowing library books'was so wonderful to observe! Thanks for a great library visit! Paula
