Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Field Day Excitment

Field Day was a glorious day and the spirit of our AFS community was felt by all!  Children entered school in either blue or white tee shirts and somehow the excitement just followed the children and faculty right through the classroom doors!  The children had been preparing for this day for several weeks in gym class; practicing various relay races, large motor skills and most importantly group and team work.  This was probably the first 'real' all school event that our children had participated in.  One of the unique and very special aspects of Field Day for PreK is the cross divisional connections that the children are making with students in Upper School. Upper School students pair with our children throughout the afternoon including joining children for a  bar-b-que-lunch and assisting the children during the field events.  It is such wonderful experience to observe as the oldest members of our AFS community interact, play and get to know the youngest members of our school.   Several of the Upper School students love reflecting on the days when they were in PreK and truly embraced the time with the younger students. Enjoy the slideshow!

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