Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What Does Community Mean To You....

 During Morning Meeting the children were engaged in a conversation about community. We have been talking about our classroom community, AFS Lower School community and our family community.   This led to a conversation about  " What Does Community Mean To You?"  The following are some of the children’s responses: 
  • Talking Being nice to people 
  • Sharing your toys 
  • Building with people and sharing
  • Sharing your crackers when you run out of crackers 
  • Helping to put away blocks
  • Community is asking to have a turn after somebody is done with the swing. 
  • People 
  • Helping 
  • Driving a bus
  • Playing with a toy with somebody 
  • When a friend gets hurt with a block, I kiss him.
  • Picking up garbage in the woods is community 
  • Helping people
  • Community is doing nice things and playing with each other. 
This led to a conversation about people in our community who help each other and help to make our community safe.  Fire fighters, police officers, doctors, veterinarians and lawyers were a few that were mentioned.

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