Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Our First Gym Class....

The children were very excited to go to the gym today and meet our gym teachers, Mr. C and Jeff.  Our class is scheduled to have gym with PreK 1 and the children loved seeing friends from the other class and having the opportuity to play together.  Walking to the gym was the first part of our new experience and we took our time, noticing the beauty and interesting things around campus.

 Mr. C asked the children to be aware of three very important concepts when they are in gym class that will help us work together and have a positive experience. First, " Is it safe"?,  second- "Am I being kind" and third- " Is is good or helping both PreK classes and our larger community"?.  Mr. C. introduced the concept of "personal space" and had the children begin to explore the new space of the gym.  Hoops were placed all around the floor of the gym and the children had several tasks to follow in relation to the hoops.  For example, they were asked to find a space inside the hoop, walk around the hoop and move their arms sitting inside the hoop.  The time spent in gym class is filled with fantastic language oportunities. The children are required to follow directions and today they had many opportunities to explore spatial relationships.  Over, under, inside, outside, high, low.... the various ways that the children were asked to move their bodies was a wonderful way to explore and practice spatial and directional concepts.

The children were so excited to be in the gym and we look forward to a great year with Mr. C and Jeff!

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