Thursday, September 15, 2011

Learning To Work As A Community....

Our sense of community within our classroom is evolving.  The children are settling into a rhythm and the flow of our day is incredibly fluid. Children are joining small groups of play and are making new connections with each other throughout the day.  Our photos  reflect the feelings of cooperation and collaboration that we have observed through the children's play.

 Our children are extremely sensitive and caring about each other and work to include each other in their play.  It is truly a joy to listen and observe the kind and thoughtful ways that the children communicate with each other and include each other in their play.
We read the book Everyone Is Special And Unique by Regina G. Burch which led into a wonderful discussion about feelings, how we are alike and how we are different.  The children enjoyed sharing their thoughts and feelings with the larger group and were extremely respectful in listening their classmates thoughts. As a whole , this group of children seem to really enjoy engaging in group conversatons and group play.  We begin each day with a Morning Meeting and end our day with our Reflection Circle.  These are both very important times of our day together and the children seem to be developing a true connection to our gathering and sharing times as well.

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