Friday, April 20, 2012

Earth Day Assembly

Raji invited PreK to join the Kindergarten and third graders in singing an Earth Day song at assembly. The older children had been working together for quite a while, and Raji had the wonderful idea of bringing the younger children into this special community experience. Raji's gifts of music are felt the minute he brings children together and he has the magic of working with large groups of children where everyone feels part of the experience. Raji first worked with our class alone for a music introduction and suggested we join for additional rehearsals with the larger group.
It was fun practicing the song in the Kindergarten classroom with all the other PreK, Kindergarten and third grade students.

Our assembly performance was wonderful! The children were so proud to be included in this 'big kid', Lower School experience. The message of Earth Day was clearly felt in the beautiful lyrics of the song, and the sense of belonging and community was felt by being connected to and part of our very special school....

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