Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Science Exploration

Today in Science class the children were engaged in a scientific experiment. The children first looked at packing peanuts and were asked to predict what they thought would happen when then packing peanut came in contact with water.

Each child used their own individual tray which held a beaker, a pipette and a packing peanut. The directions were to place the packing peanut in the beaker and wet it with the pipette and mash the packing peanut with a popsicle stick.

The children had to determine how much water it would take to turn the peanut into mush. This involved the thinking skills associated with trial and error. Fine motor skills were also being practiced as the children carefully manipulated the pipette. The children discovered that the more water they added, the 'mush ' became thinner.

If the 'mush' became too thick, the children added more peanuts and drops of water. The idea was suggested to make a thick type mush that could be used as glue. Food coloring was added to the glue/mush mixture and then was used in a creative art project.

The children used the glue that they had made from the packing peanuts to create a 3 dimension art project. They used packing peanuts , cardboard and glue to make their creation.

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