Wednesday, February 15, 2012

PreK Celebrates Valentine's Day

We had a wonderful day celebrating love and friendship in PreK on Valentine's Day! The children were very excited the moment they arrived in the classroom and the energy surrounding valentines, delivering cards and special valentine treats was felt by all! The children seemed to really understand and connect, perhaps for the first time, with the concept of giving a card to friend and making that personal connection. The sense of community from within was clearly observed and the cohesiveness of the group was wonderful to see. The process of planning for this event at home with family was a very important part of the experience. The children were proud of making cards at home and practicing their writing skills was also an important part of the experience.

We had the most wonderful special Valentine's Day lunch party and the children absolutely loved the experience! The tables were beautifully set with pizza, veggies and dips, juices and delicious desserts. A snipet of a conversation overheard ...
Miranda: "This is the best Valentine's Day I ever had!"
Hayden: " I like the way this whole thing is set up, it is so pretty too!"
Miranda: " You know... we don't need to wait for another holiday to come to have this much fun again?"

We are now thinking of working a monthly shared lunch into our schedule with hopes of keeping the warm, loving feelings that this brought.

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