Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Nature Journals

The beautiful weather guided our PreK plans for the day! The children loved playing outdoors for an extended period of time and were excited to work on our nature journals after playing in the playground. We discovered a really wonderful spot that, as stated by Davey, "it felt like a secret hide-out." Kailyn remarked, " It was great! I liked drawing and looking at trees."

The children absolutely loved the experience of being outdoors and exploring as they worked on their journals. Sitting on tree trunks, climbing on stumps, and gathering crumbled leaves were all part of the beautiful landscape of our morning. We were reminded of how important movement plays in our young children's lives as we observed the children as they worked in their journals.
When we returned to our classrooms, the feelings of satisfaction and contentment were felt in such a genuine way and we asked the children how they "felt about our outdoor journal writing outdoors".....
Marcellus: "The tree was so cool because we could sit on it and write."
Annabelle: "I liked making stuff with mud and sticks after I finished my journal."
Cara: "It was fun to draw the tree that I was sitting on!"
Noah: "I liked making the fire with leaves and sticks after I was done my journal."

The day was glorious and we feel so fortunate that we are able to take our classroom learning outdoors and support our children in such a meaningful way.

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