Monday, June 11, 2012

We Harvested Our Vegetables....

The children were so excited to see that all of our vegetables had matured and were ready to be picked!  The children loved picking the peas, lettuce, carrots , parsley and spinach.  We nibbled on the fresh vegetables after washing them last week and today used them with a delicious ranch dressing dip.  We offered the homegrown veggies to Crissy, Tricia, Debbie, Christine and Emily and the children were so very proud of their success in growing vegetables in our own garden.  The process was quite remarkable and we had a wonderful conversation as we reflected on all the stages of this process.
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Beach Day Fun!!!

Prek 1 and PreK 2 thoroughly enjoyed beach day!  The children loved playing in the water and relaxing with their friends on their beach towels.  Our pictures capture the joy of the day...

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Friday, June 8, 2012

Community Helper Play

Our Community Helper play was fantastic!  The children were so proud to perform the play they had written and practiced throughout the year.  Our community helper study was quite an amazing experience for all of us.  The emotional and social growth that we observed as the children grew throughout the year was so clearly seen in this culminating project.  It is hard to believe that we began in September with a mere "fire drill" and the interest was sparked and our year was so shaped by this study.  The children's learning, our family and community involvement was such a important part of our year....we thank you...
The incredible sense of community within our PreK 2 world evolved as we collaborated and worked together.

Enjoy our slideshow.... your children are amazing!

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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Pajama Day

The children were so excited to arrive at school in their pajamas this morning! The thrill of being at school   in pajamas was such fun and the children were immersed in the spirit of the day immediately.  We had our final Meeting For Worship where all the 4th and 5th graders were celebrated as this would be their last MFW with Lower School before moving onto Middle School.  We also had our first rehearsal for the Spring Concert in the Muller auditorium  and the children were so exited to be on a real stage.  After our lunch we  watched a few short movies in our pajamas with PreK 1.   We watched , The Dot , Frederick , Cornelius, and Swimmy on the smart board in Catalina's room and had a relaxing time in watching together after a full morning.   We ended the day with a special snack and know that the children had a truly wonderful day!

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Friday, June 1, 2012

Our Glorious Art Museum Night....

 Our PreK museum night was fantastic!  The pride and joy the children felt was so wonderful to see!  Thank you to our families for your support and enthusiasm in celebrating our children.  The evening was magical and a memory that we will all hold dear to our hearts!

At morning meeting we reflected about our very special night and these are a few of the comments
that the children shared:

Miranda:  I really liked last night. It gave me a good feeling. It made me feel like school is a miracle. 
Robby:  I couldn't have lived without the whole night museum night. I really couldn't have lived without it.
Annabelle: The art show was beautiful and the flowers were the most beautiful ones.
Kailyn:  I  liked it when we played  outside and I liked it when we sang together inside.
Sylvia:  I liked  playing  outside with Kailyn.
Sania:  It gave me a good picture in my head of people eating , talking and love.
Cristian:  I had fun playing outside.
Talia:  I liked when my grandpop came.
Maggie:  I liked my Dad's food.
Hayden:  I liked it and it was fun.  I was happy that my daddy and mommy were there.
Davie:  I liked the food.
Cara:  I felt like I was happy and excited and joyful.
Ella:  I liked that we got to show our families what we created.