Tuesday, March 20, 2012

PreK Physical Education - Personal Space & Movement

Steve 'Mr. C.' Chadwin and I, Jeff Bond, have enjoyed getting to know the Pre-Kindergarteners so far this year during our three thirty-minute Physical Education class periods together every seven days. PreK1 and PreK2 are together for P.E., so it's a special treat to be able to play with friends from the other class.

Much of our time together in PreK P.E. is dedicated to helping our young students develop a sense of their own, and others', personal space and a sense of their own ways of movement (locomotor skills).

The images below from the Fall show Pre-Kindergarteners in their own personal space, moving their bodies in different ways.

Like bridges and tunnels....

As small as could be....

As wide as could be...

In the Fall, we also practiced moving in different ways.

Like a favorite animal...

Along field lines without touching anyone else...

In the past few months, we have spent time in class experimenting with how to move while on scooters.

On bellies...

On bottoms...

Under hurdles...

Around cones...

With partners...

We've been having lots of fun with physical activity in PreK P.E. this year, and I'll continue to chronicle our exploits on this blog through the end of the year.

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