Monday, December 5, 2011

Emily Visit To PreK

Maggie's mom, Emily is a priest and she visited with our class today to talk to us about her role as a community helper. We learned many things about Emily's work as a priest and the children were very interested in her work as a community helper. Emily's beautiful robe was especially interesting to the children they had many questions about when she wears the robe as well as why she wears a robe. Emily said that her robe is like her 'uniform' that tells everyone in the church that she is a priest. She leads Sunday services in her robe and loves the special feeling of getting dressed up in something so beautiful to lead the Sunday services in. We learned that Emily loves to help people in her family community at church and often visits people at home and in the hospital who may not be well enough to go to church. Emily wears her robe only in church on Sundays.

Emily showed us the special things she takes with her when she is visiting with someone at home or in the hospital. She loves being a priest and most importantly she loves helping people and praying with people.

Enjoy our photo album that captures this wonderful visit!

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